
Any functional customization of Drupal 8 should be done through a custom module. This article serves as a quick reference for creating a custom module.


It is assumed that Drupal 8 was installed using Composer. The main difference is that the modules folder of a Composer based installation is inside the /web folder, while in the 'traditional' installation the modules folder is in the root directory.

Step 1 – Create the module folder

The name of the custom module will be My Custom Module.

First create a folder named my_custom_module inside the web/modules/custom/

// Go to the custom modules folder
cd web/modules/custom

// Create the custom module folder
mkdir my_custom_module

Step 2 – Create the .info.yml file

Create the file inside the custom module folder

// To to my_custom_module folder
cd my_custom_module

// Create the module .info.yml file

Edit to look like this:

name: My Custom Module
description: Custom functionalities.
package: Custom
type: module
core: 8.x

To make it compatible with the upcoming Drupal 9, replace the core: 8.x with core_version_requirement: ^8 || ^9

name: My Custom Module
description: Custom functionalities.
package: Custom
type: module
core_version_requirement: ^8 || ^9

Step 3 – Enable the custom module

Enable the custom module by either running the drush command:

drush en my_custom_module

or enable it from the UI by navigating to the Extensions section of the admin menu.


These are the absolute minimum requirements to create a custom module. For more details check out the official documentation at